underage drinking Michigan

Minor in Possession of Alcohol: A Zero Tolerance Law

Fall is an exciting time for teens. School is back in, football games are underway, Homecoming festivities are quickly approaching. It’s time to celebrate!

We want our teens to be smart about how they celebrate, though. Keep them safe, keep them healthy. Teens need to know that underage drinking not only puts them in harm’s way physically, it is a legal risk not worth taking.

Getting charged with an MIP – minor in possession of alcohol – is no minor problem. Teens who get caught with alcohol will face a legal nightmare with consequences that can carry over into adulthood.

The underage drinking law in Michigan is strict, and carries stiff penalties from the very first offense. According to Michigan law, a minor cannot (1):

  1. Purchase or attempt to purchase alcohol
  2. Consume or attempt to consume alcohol
  3. Possess or attempt to possess alcohol
  4. Have ANY bodily alcohol content – even a few sips of a beer is punishable!

First-time offenders face fines up to $100, community service, and probation which could include substance abuse screening and assessment at his or her own expense.

Get caught a second time and the fines go up to $200. If the second violation is within a probationary period, offenders also face jail time up to 30 days.

Third-time offenses will cost up to $500 and can lead to up to 60 days of jail time.

Alcohol-related offenses are reported to the Secretary of State, which can affect their ability to get a driver’s license later on, or get it back after having a suspended license.

Michigan underage drinking law is a zero-tolerance policy. And for good reason. Teens don’t need to consume alcohol to have fun at a football game. And they certainly don’t need the ongoing legal problems they will face if they are caught drinking.


  1. http://legislature.mi.gov/doc.aspx?mcl-436-1703

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